DIY-style kit makes drugs on demand for crisis situations
This portable pharmaceutical manufacturing system is making access to life-saving medicine easier – all while cutting costs and wait times....
This portable pharmaceutical manufacturing system is making access to life-saving medicine easier – all while cutting costs and wait times....
Imagine solar cells so thin, flexible and lightweight they could be placed on almost any material or surface – including...
Karen Andrews is the only female Federal MP with an engineering background. She speaks about her career and encouraging students...
As both an engineer and entrepreneur, Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel knows how to make things happen. He brings...
Mona Shindy and Julie Hammer are widely recognised as leaders in their respective fields within the Defence Force, yet they...
Are solar roads the answer to the world’s energy and environmental woes? How practical and useful is their technology right...
Danish water engineer Monika Balicki came to Queensland looking for work experience, but the state's water modelling opportunities inspired her...
The human brain is an amazing feat of wiring, which is why more companies are looking to use it as...
Sonar technology promises to turn almost any environment into a keyboard for smart devices, meaning you don't even have to...
The global pandemic has caused construction companies some major headaches with the uncertainty of supply and delivery schedules.