The risk of landslides is increasing
The sight of a house sliding down a hillside in residential Melbourne had many calling for action. But what can...
The sight of a house sliding down a hillside in residential Melbourne had many calling for action. But what can...
For engineers seeking funding to further research and development of a game-changing idea, crowdfunding could be the answer.
A milestone engineering education agreement promises to get more engineers with tertiary qualifications working in the industry.
High-school students are regarded as the most environmentally conscious generation, but declining rates of engineering education are cause for concern.
Failing to engage the diverse range of students that can enrich engineering will only harm the profession. The iSTEM program...
Built on the site of a decommissioned coal-fired power station, this modular big battery is the first stage in decarbonising...
A critical update to Australian rainfall and runoff guidelines will allow engineers to achieve a more flood-resilient future.
When they identified a future gap in their workforce, Schneider and WSP leapt into action to address diversity and inclusion...
These miniature, low-cost sensors with infrared imaging capabilities can be easily fitted to drones and satellites to help farmers remotely...