Saying a task is “not within my expertise” is a symptom of hesitation to leadership, according to Engineers Australia National...
Australians not wanting to be engineers is a sociocultural problem that requires a multi-pronged approach.
For engineers seeking funding to further research and development of a game-changing idea, crowdfunding could be the answer.
From exoskeletons to self-driving cars to suits that recycle bodily fluids, these engineering concepts are a go-to aspect of modern...
In a personal reflection, Dr Raj Aseervatham FIEAust CPEng, National President of Engineers Australia, reveals key lessons from a career...
A milestone engineering education agreement promises to get more engineers with tertiary qualifications working in the industry.
High-school students are regarded as the most environmentally conscious generation, but declining rates of engineering education are cause for concern.
The 2024 Engineers Australia Professional Engineer of the Year has focused on revolutionising safety through accountability and diversity.
Overseas-trained engineers are vital for Australia, but it's not always a smooth journey. What's being done to break down barriers...
Failing to engage the diverse range of students that can enrich engineering will only harm the profession. The iSTEM program...