National Volunteer Week: Opportunities to contribute

So many in the Engineers Australia community volunteer their time to advance the profession. Whether it’s presenting to schools, assessing buildings following disasters or running site tours, we know engineers love to give back to their community and inspire the next generation.

“Volunteers and office bearers are the ‘Engineers’ in Engineers Australia. To a large extent, they provide the critical insights, effort, and leadership to the work and results that makes Engineers Australia relevant and impactful.” says National President Dr Nick Fleming FIEAust CPEng.

“Australians are generous volunteers,” says Fleming, “making our communities more vibrant, connected and tolerant. It’s an important facet of our cohesive, multi-cultural society that we should never take for granted. That’s why I think it’s important to recognise and celebrate volunteers.”

This National Volunteer Week we want to express our thanks to the large number of Engineers Australia members who dedicate their time to the engineering profession. You can read about some of our amazing volunteers here.

We’ve also pulled together a list of current engineering-related volunteering opportunities across Australia. If you are keen to give it a go for the first time, or if you’re looking for your next opportunity to give back, take a look at the list below. 


Newcastle’s EngMentor scheme, for engineering students and Newcastle tertiary education providers, sets students up with direct mentors to enhance their knowledge and help shape their career path.  

We are looking for Newcastle based engineers to provide experience and insights to students in regular mentoring sessions. 

If you are an engineer who’s passionate about their job and knowledgeable about the industry and career pathways, fill out our online registration form to become a mentor or email for more information about the program. 


The Queensland Engineering Link Group is looking for engineers to help prepare students for the upcoming Spaghetti Bridge Competition, running from now until August 2023 in multiple locations. 

As a volunteer engineering expert, you will have the chance to work with school teachers and students to design and build bridges made of spaghetti that can withstand heavy loads. You will provide valuable guidance and support throughout the process, sharing your insights on structural design, material selection, and testing methodologies. 

If you have a passion for engineering and a desire to give back to your community, we urge you to sign up as a volunteer today by emailing to express your interest.

The Engineering Link Group is also running a one-day workshop program for students in Years 10, 11 and 12. Students will receive a problem, work in groups to design a solution, build their solution and then test their solution, all while considering available resources and budgetary restraints, under the supervision of an engineer.

These workshops will be held in Rockhampton on Saturday 17 June, Townsville on Saturday 15 July and Cairns on Saturday 22 July.

The group is seeking volunteers to support the students, either in the workshops or at the lunchtime Speed Talks which involve sitting in small groups with an engineer asking and answering questions about an engineering career, over lunch.

Please contact for more information or to volunteer.

James Cook University is running an engineering program for high school students to learn more about life as an engineer.

The program will target high achieving students from regional and remote locations. Students will spend a week doing hands-on engineering activities designed to give them an understanding of day-to-day engineering work across many disciplines.

An expression of interest sent to local schools about the program indicates there are around 100 students eager to participate.

Currently, the university has funding capacity for 60 students and is looking for industry support to fund more places for more interested students.

For information about how to become a financial supporter of the Engineering Futures program, please read James Cook University’s support opportunities information flyer

South Australia

Engineers Without Borders South Australia will be running an ideation event at Engineers Australia’s Adelaide office. During the event engineers will come up with ideas to design a bridge to provide access to an arts centre on land subject to flooding. 

Pukatja, on Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara lands, is home to Australia’s oldest continuously running Indigenous art centre. But Pukatja is prone to flooding in the wet season. During flash flooding, events in the community are cut off by unusable roads with the only access being via a pedestrian bridge. 

During this ideation event, participants will develop an understanding of the project context and brainstorm ideas for a concept design that could provide a solution for community access during flooding in Pukatja. 

Register now to attend the Engineers Without Borders event. 

South Australia and Northern Territory

Engineers Australia is seeking volunteers to help deliver a model solar car challenge for middle and late primary school aged students in South Australia and the Northern Territory across Term three. 

As a volunteer, you will have the opportunity to inspire and engage the next generation of engineers by sharing your knowledge and expertise. 

Volunteers will need to obtain an ochre card. Those interested in getting involved can contact Shani Carson, Engineers Australia Northern Territory Member Engagement Manager, at or Cara Heathcote, Engineers Australia South Australia Member Engagement Officer, at 


BIOTech Futures are looking for engineers to mentor teams of high school students for the BIOTech Futures Challenge 2023. 

The Futures Challenge is a large event hosted by Professor Hala Zrieqat, University of Sydney, aimed at inspiring the brightest young minds to solve real-world problems in health, medicine, energy and the environment. 

Prof. Zrieqat says the program welcomes mentors from a diverse range of backgrounds and disciplines including, but not limited to, undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and academics, and industry professionals working in the STEM sector. 

If you’re interested in volunteering, read the statement of commitment and submit an expression of interest form online to BIOTech Futures. 


The 2023 Tasmanian It Takes a Spark STEM Conference is looking for engineering volunteers to present hands on-workshops and activities to showcase how STEM is at the heart of innovation and learning in every discipline.

It Takes a Spark will be held on Friday 1 September 2023. Interested engineers can submit a workshop idea online at the It Takes a Spark conference website.

Engineers Australia Tasmania will also be hosting a stand as part of the STEM Expo during the day and would love for members to volunteer with us at the stand.

Send an expression of interest outlining your area of expertise and availability to for consideration. 


Engineers Australia Victoria has several events coming up for which volunteers would be welcome. 

Upcoming events are: 

  • Careers Expo at Emmaus College, Wednesday 12 July 1.30–3.45 pm 
  • Careers Expo at Knox High School, Wednesday 2 August 5.00–7.00 pm  
  • Science week at Gippsland Tech School, Wednesday 16 August 5.00–7.00 pm  
  • Quantum Victoria Careers Talks virtual session, Friday 1 September 9.45–11.00 am  
  • Quantum Victoria Careers Talks virtual session, Friday 6 October 9.45–11.00 am  

Engineers Australia members in Victoria can email to express interest in volunteering at these events. 

Western Australia

The Engineers Australia Engineering Heritage (EHWA) group in WA works to capture the engineering achievements of Western Australia through its people, eras, regions and engineering themes. EHWA’s mission is to ensure WA’s engineering history and heritage is widely valued and appropriately conserved. 

We are seeking volunteers to assist the groups’ current activities including:

  • Creating and launching a state-wide assessment program to monitor the condition of our engineering heritage markers across Western Australia. More information on our marker program is available in the member portal.  
  • Researching and writing about the engineers and engineering organisations that have contributed since 1829. This material helps extend our website. 
  • Helping with recognition of prominent engineering heritage such as the Mount Henry Bridge. Research the construction of the bridge and its place and create material for our website to educate the community. 

If you would like to volunteer your time to any or all of these activities, send us an email to 

Reconciliation WA will be hosting a Walk for Reconciliation in Kaarta Koomba (Kings Park) to connect to Boodja and celebrate the living Noongar culture. 

The event will include a Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony before people journey through Kaarta Koomba and engage in cultural immersion opportunities including truth-telling, dancing, arts workshops and an opportunity to learn more about The Voice. 

Steven Martin, People and Operations Manager at Reconciliation WA is looking for organisations or individuals to help support the walk. Interested people can contact Steven Martin via message on LinkedIn to express interest.

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