A team of researchers in the United Kingdom has developed a mobile diagnostic tool that could help save lives in...
More and more companies demand data scientists to apply statistical methods and technical computing tools in their design processes. Perhaps...
Despite concerns over autonomous weapons, the social impacts of other aspects of artificial intelligence are starting to be seen and...
Australian engineers have brought bendable, biodegradable screens a step closer with an ultra thin, part-organic semiconductor.
Giant red bull ants are infamous for their excruciating sting, but a team of Australian researchers thinks their venom holds...
The liquid metal T-1000 might have felt advanced and futuristic when Terminator 2 first came out. But a group of...
Lithium-ion batteries power a range of devices, but limitations on shapes and sizes restrict how they can be used. That...
Laser tech can deliver satellite data faster and more securely than radio frequencies, but clouds and fog are major obstacles....
Fluorescent molecules have been used in biological imaging for over a century. Recent studies have shed light on the technology’s...
Can social robots help staff worry less and focus more on creativity and collaboration? An Australian and Japanese team is...