Take the November create engineering quiz
Have you been paying attention? Test your engineering knowledge and powers of observation with the November engineering quiz.
Have you been paying attention? Test your engineering knowledge and powers of observation with the November engineering quiz.
Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is working with remote communities to co-design fit-for-purpose and fit-for-place water supply systems.
A four-year collaboration between Coates and Monash University has resulted in a world-first innovation that will improve performance, safety, cost...
Poor specification can lead to subsurface stormwater tank failures from either short term dynamic or long term dead loads.
Swinburne’s new Cyber Academy offers a work-integrated path to a promising career in a rapidly growing field.
With the aid of Nearmap solutions, engineers are using spatial digital twins to make precise and data-backed decisions at scale.
An Indigenous researcher at RMIT is using his passion for sustainability to tread new ground in the circular economy.
Australia’s largest steel manufacturer explains its role in the decarbonisation of the built environment.
To measure something is to begin to manage it, and it’s a principle that has dominated much of Kevin Hennessy’s...
Researchers at Victoria University are manufacturing sustainable packaging from natural products including celery and pea starch to replace some plastics.