Is this the most aerodynamic bike helmet in the world?
Bicycle helmets are the most intensely researched area of cycling aerodynamics. One mechanical engineer has pulled ahead of the pack...
Bicycle helmets are the most intensely researched area of cycling aerodynamics. One mechanical engineer has pulled ahead of the pack...
Every wondered what happened to your old floppy disk drives? Some of them might be making music as part of...
Electrical engineer Guy Griffiths heads up R&D at Animal Logic. An Academy Award winner, he is passionate about using science...
Smashed phone screens – they’ve happened to the best of us. But cracking the code of how to make a...
Doctors might soon be piecing together damaged tissues and organs thanks to this ‘tissue paper’.
Lockheed Martin’s advanced research centre in Melbourne will focus on automation, radar systems, hypersonics and quantum computing.
Great animation doesn't happen by accident. There's a lot of physics, maths and engineering involved – and a healthy dose...
Borrowing engineering principles from the architectural world has seen two Carnegie Mellon graduates reimagine the bra.
Starting a business isn’t for everyone, but it seems to be an increasingly popular choice for young Australians.
More industry collaboration means better outcomes for everyone involved. Here are some of the big issues that can be tackled...