Engineers have an immense opportunity to transform the world. They are at their best when they have a keen awareness...
Growing up in a remote area, Jason Gordon had to do his schoolwork by correspondence. Today, he serves an entire...
A new online tool is helping create a virtual community of engineers where the profession can come together to tap...
Experience has taught Gabby Costigan that the defence industry is a great place for engineers to bring their talents.
Engineers Australia has announced that Dr Bronwyn Evans HonFIEAust FTSE CPEng will be the new Chief Executive Officer of the...
A bit of daring and a desire for hands-on experience has helped Luke Heffernan transform his ambitions into big achievements.
Systems engineering has taken Kerry Lunney to a lot of places – and made her president of an international organisation.
Stephen Hudson has a passion for engineering and a passion for aviation. The combination is perfect for his current job.
A big investment by the UK in transport infrastructure came along just in time to tempt Tom Moore into the...
AGL is offering its engineers a powerful opportunity to achieve an internationally recognised standard, constantly improve their up-to-date knowledge and...