A successful, world-first trial of a new space-based VHF communications and aircraft-tracking solution points to entirely new capabilities and possibilities...
A tunnel boring machine for the Western Sydney Airport Metro network has been named after Dr Marlene Kanga for her...
For mining engineer Jane Brunton, the benefits of becoming Chartered were clear even before she achieved the qualification.
Afghan engineer Abdul Gulistani has seen and survived greater personal and professional challenges than most of us could imagine.
Australia has a shortage of professional engineers, and we must confront the problem now before it gets worse.
Bridges made from weathering steel can last over 100 years without a single coat of paint. No wonder the structured...
Buildings constructed with light concrete shells have stood for centuries, but at some stage we let these designs go in...
Here are six highlights from a recent engineering industry leaders’ roundtable hosted by Engineers Australia National President Nick Fleming.
Tully Mahr took to the sky for her first solo flight when she was just 15. Now, she is aiming...
As few businesses can afford the negative impact of power anomalies, they need to make sure they’ve chosen the best...