With transport emissions increasing, Australia needs to consider more sustainable freight transportation options.
The Sydney Fish Market, established at its current location in Blackwattle Bay almost 60 years ago, is undergoing a massive...
Find out how engineers built 10 bridges in three years as part of the ambitious Edmonton to Gordonvale road infrastructure...
Touted as a lower-cost option than light rail, trackless trams need to attract intensified development around station locations for the...
Flooding disasters have led to calls to prevent development in high-risk zones – and to recognise flood-resilient design in construction...
From boosting productivity to grappling with scope three emissions calculations, embracing the Internet of Things is essential to moving the...
Innovative design management successfully brought the unconventionally located Wadanggari Park to life.
A project’s design manager can often go unrecognised. Is it time for design management to become an engineering discipline in...
This engineer has developed an award-winning device to help farmers keep their crops healthier while using pesticides less often.
What projects will a new environment and sustainability reporting policy apply to, and how should engineers prepare? An engineer-turned-lawyer explains.