Protective coatings offers a tailor-made solution to bridge protection in Australia

Bridges are major assets that require ongoing protection and maintenance.

From iconic structures such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge to essential pedestrian and cyclist overpasses, bridges are major assets that require ongoing protection and maintenance.

Bridge asset owners, including local councils and state government agencies, commonly face a wide range of maintenance challenges. These include:

  • Corrosion 
  • Graffiti and its frequent removal 
  • High traffic 
  • Extreme UV exposure 
  • Pollution and grime 
  • Adherence to mandated specifications and standards 
  • Maintaining colour and appearance 
  • Minimising maintenance disruptions 
  • Achieving extended maintenance cycles 

Protective coatings can significantly increase a bridge’s durability, extend its lifespan and reduce maintenance costs by addressing these challenges.

Leading products, tailor-made solutions

Dulux® Protective Coatings’ high-performance products for bridge protection include primers, intermediate and topcoats designed to resist corrosion in severe and marine environments, offer rapid dry and overcoat times, resist extreme ultraviolet exposure and repeated graffiti removal, provide barrier protection, and deliver excellent gloss and colour retention. 

Dulux® Protective Coating systems are backed by advice and support from the company’s team of experts.

Protecting Australian bridges

At Kangaroo Point Green Bridge in Brisbane, a Dulux® Protective Coatings three-coat PUR5 system protects this pedestrian bridge’s structural steel. The system was selected to deliver maximum durability, an extended maintenance cycle of up to 25 years to first maintenance, plus a glossy off-white aesthetic. 

Importantly, the system complies with the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads’ specification requirements. 

“In a C3/C4 corrosivity category like this, having an extended time to first maintenance of 25-plus years is understandably very important to the asset owners,” said Dulux® Protective Coatings Queensland Sales Manager Brendan Lichtendonk.

In Melbourne, the iconic West Gate Bridge was first coated with Dulux® Protective Coatings products more than 40 years ago. As well as being buffeted by high winds, the bridge sustains large traffic volumes, which produce significant pollution and grime and was remediated in 2020 and 2021 with a four-part and stripe coat system. 

“Our sophisticated coating system provides a superior-level durability and will help the West Gate Bridge look good for another 40 years,” Dulux® Protective Coatings Specification and Projects Manager Daniel McKeown said. 

In Perth, a Dulux® Protective Coatings system is safeguarding the steel and concrete substrates on the Mint Street Overpass. Asset owner Main Roads Western Australia sought a robust coatings solution to counter ultraviolet exposure, corrosion, graffiti and the daily rigours of foot traffic.

A quick turnaround time was also essential. 

“The bridge couldn’t be closed for too long,” Dulux® Protective Coatings Business Development Executive Michael Filmer said. “The new Dulux Luxafloor Express range was the obvious choice to minimise downtime. It offers fast drying capability and can achieve a full cure in one day.”

More bridge protection

Find out more about Dulux® Protective Coatings’ products protecting bridges all over the country by reading the Dulux® bridge protection spotlight.

Or visit the Projects and Case Studies page for more new, old, iconic and offshore bridge case studies.

Meet Dulux® Protective Coatings at the 2024 Small Bridges Conference

Dulux® Protective Coatings is participating in the 12th Annual Small Bridges Conference and Exhibition from Tuesday 22 to Wednesday 23 October 2024 at the Gold Coast Convention Exhibition Centre.

This event brings together councils, state government road managers, railways, government agencies and the private sector to explore best practice bridge management and maintenance. 

Find Dulux® Protective Coatings in booths 21 and 22, where experts can answer all your protective coatings queries and discuss your upcoming bridge protection and maintenance needs.

Support for your next bridge protection project

Dulux® Protective Coatings’ qualified and experienced technical consultants provide tailor-made solutions for the protection of bridges and other significant assets across Australia and New Zealand.

Contact the expert team for project advice or visit the Dulux ® Protective Coatings website for more on our products, innovation and distribution network.

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