A step-by-step look at accelerated decarbonisation through the lens of the fast-moving retail sector.
Green engineering is showing how new kinds of raw materials could power the world.
Dr Samintha Perera, a lecturer in geotechnical engineering at the University of Melbourne, has spent more than a decade researching...
Working on road and rail infrastructure in Queensland, Dr Chris Bridges FIEAust feels he is trying to serve two contradictory...
On 31 August 2022, the Hornsea 2 wind farm revved up for the first time, and began generating electricity. It...
Australian engineers have replaced conventional aggregates in concrete with rubber from discarded tyres.
Sravani Mukkisa is optimising a technology that can give miners and geologists the data they need to make decisions while...
Keeping coastal environments safe from erosion is a challenging task that can require more refined approaches than simple seawalls.
Agtech startup Regrow founder and aeronautical engineer Anastasia Volkova is pioneering food production processes to better withstand floods, droughts and...
PSC has taken steps to ensure its team upskills and stays ahead of the curve when it comes to power...