Engineer, architect and designer Carlo Ratti wants cities to be smarter so that we can live in them in new...
What should Australia’s transport networks look like in 30 or 50 years? There is no crystal ball to give us...
As a designer of major power plants, drill pioneer Arthur James Arnot knew a thing or two about how electricity...
The past few years have seen investment and interest in private space enterprises surge.
Getting from Point A to Point B will soon be a lot easier for Perth commuters, with construction work well...
Australia has punched above its weight in space exploration thanks to a talent for aeronautical and astronautical engineering.
A wide wingspan, twin fuselage and six engines make it perfect for ferrying satellites into orbit.
To achieve a more powerful thrust through the water, a surfboard designer has turned to humpback whale flippers for inspiration.
Expanding Australia’s battery manufacturing industry could deliver $2.5 billion in benefits to the Australian economy over the next 15 years.
The 2019 Federal Budget includes $19.5 million to support space projects over the next three years in a bid to...