Despite concerns over autonomous weapons, the social impacts of other aspects of artificial intelligence are starting to be seen and...
The liquid metal T-1000 might have felt advanced and futuristic when Terminator 2 first came out. But a group of...
Can social robots help staff worry less and focus more on creativity and collaboration? An Australian and Japanese team is...
The annual Warman Design and Build Competition is just around the corner, with a new cohort of students preparing to...
An international research team has studied the motion of bipedal lizards, with a view to helping robots get a foothold...
Last week Rethink Robotics, an early pioneer in the field of collaborative robots, announced it was shutting down operations. In...
In the future, legions of tiny robots might search through earthquake rubble for survivors, build houses on Mars or cure...
When it comes to the future of technology, nothing is straightforward, and that includes the array of ethical issues that...
A new deep learning system could be a boon for businesses that use autonomous robots.
Cockroaches are fast and nearly invincible, which makes them terrifying to most people. But those qualities are perfect inspiration for...